Track Replacement
Customer Issue: Mr. Duncan had grown sick of how much his garage door dragged while opening and closing, and delayed his comings and goings.
Our Solution: We discovered that the track of Mr. Duncan’s garage door had become warped due to age, and had been causing the door to have trouble sliding along it. Our team removed the door from the tracks to get it out of the way, then uninstalled the damaged track. When putting in the new one, we made careful measurements to confirm it would be lined up correctly.

Garage Door Opener Repair
Customer Issue: Mr. Castillo worried that his garage door might completely break down given how much it rattled and struggled to move.
Our Solution: Our professionals assessed the state of Mr. Castillo’s garage door, and narrowed the problem down to likely stemming from the Chamberlain B500 garage door opener. We uninstalled it to open and examine it. Our technicians found that the circuit board had been malfunctioning, and replaced it to solve the issue. We returned the opener to its place and assured the door no longer had trouble moving.